Lost Legion Games and Comics

Revised Event Calendar for the Keep

Posted by admin on Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

Here’s the skinny on what to expect at the Keep every week.
Monday 6-11pm is RPG Night

Tuesday 3-6pm is Miniature painting/modelling workshop.

Wednesday 5-8 is doublebooked! there is both a time for heroclix, and a real-life comic book forum (A time set aside to discuss topics realated to current comics and the events therein).

Thursday 4pm-9pm (starting Oct 6th, the first legal day) is Modern Magic –until then we will be play-testing this new format on these days.

Friday at 6pm-??? is FNM !!! This will encompass as much standard constructed and booster draft action as we can handle before Zack passes out from exhaustion 🙂

Saturday 1-5 Is Yu-Gi-Oh!

Saturday 4-7 Is battletech (demos/freeplay)

Sunday (all day) is our catch-all Tabletop day. Warhammer, Warhammer 40K, Warmachine/Hordes, Malifaux, Etc. Keep an eye on the Sunday calendar to see when tournaments for these systems.

Don’t see an event for your favorite system? Contact Zack directly by stopping by/ calling the Keep or by email, etc. to see if we can make it happen!

Posted in: 40k, Comics, Magic: the Gathering, Malifaux, The Keep.

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