MTG News: New Phyrexia is coming !!!
The set Prereleases are May 7th and 8th
– The Castle’s Prerelease is Saturday May 7th at midnight (after FNM)
– The Keep’s Prerelease is Sunday May 8th at 1:00 PM, Registration starts at 12:00 Noon
– The Rifleman’s Prerelease is scheduled time is still pending, due to a scheduling conflict with Free Comic Book Day, but is likely to be Sunday May 8th at 12:00 noon
– All Prereleases cost $30 to participate in sealed deck main events, and $15 per side draft
– There will be a participation foil card TBA in addition to booster pack prizes
– Prize pool is exactly 2 booster packs per participating player for main event, these will be New Phyrexia booster packs.
Set Releases (Launch Parties) are May 13th during FNM
– Release Main events are booster draft, check with your Tournament organizer for exact entry fees and formats.
– There will be a Participation Foil TBA in addition to booster pack prizes
– Prizes in addition to participation foils will be announced by the individual Tournament organizers.
Preorders on New Phyrexia Product are as follows:
Buy-a-box foil availability is very limited and on a first-come-first-served basis. Ask your store’s Prerelease organizer to ensure that they are participating. Limit 4 per customer.
– Prepaid pricing only valid April 1st thru May 6th. After this, all products are full price
– PREPAID Booster Boxes (36 Packs) are $95
– PREPAID Booster Cases (6 Boxes) are $540
– PREPAID Box and Case orders make you eligible for Buy-a-Box Foils.
– PREPAID Fat Packs are $34.99
– PREPAID Singles orders “lock in” the price you pay, regardless of other retailer’s pricing. So if you think you see the next “mind sculptor” in this set, PREPAY for it immediately to guarantee that you get them while they’re relatively cheap.
– All prepaid singles orders will be filled in the order they were received, before any “Dibs” singles orders.
– Non-prepay “Dibs” on product are taken, they work as follows :
– Dibs are accepted until then end of FNM on May 6th. But the sooner, the better.
– “Dibs” on BOOSTER BOXES are $105
– “Dibs” on BOOSTER CASES (6 boxes) are $630/case.
– “Dibs” on BOOSTER BOXES and BOOSTER CASES will make you eligible to receive a Buy-a-Box Promo Foil if, and only if, there are extras.
– “Dibs” on FAT PACKS are NOT ACCEPTED as these are on a very limited print run.
– “Dibs” on SINGLES are accepted, and will be filled only if they are still available after filling ALL PREPAID SINGLES ORDERS FIRST.
– “Dibs” are only filled after ALL PREPAID orders are filled, so please prepay to ensure availability.