Lost Legion Games and Comics

Archive for December, 2011

Annual End of the Year Heroclix Tournament

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

This Friday at 7pm LLGC the Castle will be hosting our annual end of the year Heroclix Tournament. Points every year are based on the year! Here are the details. Build a 2011 point army. One hour Rounds, Two sets of objects may be used including two special objects. No more that 20 figures and […]

New comics at LLGC this week and PREVIEWS are in!

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

Lots of good stuff in this week and the January PREVIEWS are in! Not all of our titles are ordered in enough quantities to maintain a stock level for the shelves. So if you so if you see something you don’t want to miss, then be sure to subscribe to the books you want! Coming […]

New Comics This Week At LLGCs

Tuesday, December 20th, 2011

A HUGE WEEK for comics. Lots of stuff. Read on… Not all of our titles are ordered in enough quantities to maintain a stock level for the shelves. So if you so if you see something you don’t want to miss, then be sure to subscribe to the books you want! Coming in this week […]

New comics at LLGC stores yesterday

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

Now, MARVEL takes back some control of the comic industry.  AVENGERS X-SANCTION #1 is going to be big! Oh, and Walking Dead #92 and the latest volume of the Trade Paperback are both in this week. And a lot more.  Come see.   Not all of our titles are ordered in enough quantities to maintain […]

Comics coming in this week at LLGC

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

  DC Comics is controlling the comic industry for the first time in decades.  There’s a lot more of the new DC books in this week. Come see what the hype is. And don’t stop with DC, there’s a whole lot more great stuff coming in.  All the other companies are stepping up their own […]

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