Click here to find out more about this weekend’s Warhammer 40K Team Tournament at the Rifleman!
Season One of the Rifleman Magic league is ending and a champion needs to be decided! Click here to find out more information about the Rifleman Season One Contest of Champions.
The pre-releases are over, but you haven’t missed out your chance to play in a Besieged Launch Event yet! All 3 Lost Legion Locations will be holding a Magic The Gathering Mirroden Besieged launch party! Click here to learn more.
Check out this post for more information about this weekend’s (1/29-1/30) events at the Rifleman!
LLGC Warhammer 40K Fans, here’s your update from 1/15’s Circuit Tournament! First, a big thank you to all of the 40K players that came out. We had a total of 17 players at the tournament, our biggest in a while. A great time was had by all! The final results are as follows: 1: Joe […]
Check out our December Events at Lost Legion Games and Comics!
Our Black Friday Promotion was so popular that we here at Lost Legion have decided to have some new specials running to the end of this year! Read on for more details!
Here are the latest rules for the Rifleman Magic League, check them out to stay up to date!
Malifaux players, we are having a 25 soulstone tournament tonight (12/2/2010) at 6:30! Come by with your minis for a great time! For any questions or for more info, call the Rifleman at 304-205-7919.
Lost Legion would like to wish all of our friends a Happy Thanksgiving. We will be closed on Thursday, November 11/24/2010 to allow our employees and volenteers celebrate the holiday with their families and friends. We will reopen as normal on friday when we will be holding our Break from Black Friday event!
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